I was there, ground zero, at the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa, Canada. I brought my wife and our young children. There were inflatable bouncy castles and street hockey games. It was peaceful but powerful. Canadians were exercising their democratic rights – freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.
By the winter of 2022, Canada’s leaders had trampled on many of our freedoms – pastors had been thrown in jail for opening their churches, Canadians had been fined for visiting their neighbors, and many had been forced to sacrifice their bodily autonomy (vaccine mandates). The Freedom Convoy’s mission was to protest the loss of these freedoms and to petition our government. The Convoy brought hope to many Canadians, myself included. But our hope was short-lived. The government of Canada, led by Justin Trudeau, labeled its own peaceful citizens as terrorists and enacted for the first time ever the “Emergency Measures Act.”
Overnight, friendly local police officers were replaced with anonymized, military-uniformed jackboots. We watched in disbelief as these ruthless mercenaries, who did not even wear the Canadian flag on their uniforms, trampled and pepper-sprayed law-abiding and peaceful Canadian citizens.
We know many fellow Canadians who had their bank accounts frozen, some who had their money stolen, and many who were thrown in jail for being part of this peaceful protest. What do you call a country that violently suppresses and jails political dissidents? Historians of Soviet and Nazi regimes might be able to tell us.
I am a Canadian scientist and physician. My wife and I and our children are in exile in the USA. Because I disagreed with the COVID-19 mandates and refused to take the injection, I was not permitted to complete my medical training in Canada and had to give up a career I had worked toward for 15 years. By the grace of God, I’ve been given a chance to train in the USA. My family and I have been warmly welcomed here, and we are very grateful. We believe that our story, what we have seen and experienced, must be shared with the citizens of the USA so that they will not share the same fate as Canadians. […]
— Read More: rairfoundation.com