People in every nation—totalitarian, democratic, or somewhere in between—must decide about what they will do about Christ. In the United States, we can see clear evidence of a growing intolerance toward Christians and Christian values. It is no longer as accepted to profess Christ as it once was in America. Many are willing to give up some of the teachings of the Bible in order to harmonize Christianity with other religions (belief systems). But the Bible commands that we must each take up our cross daily. Compromising and conforming to the world’s standard is against God’s Word.
The early Christians in Asia lived in a world (not unlike our own) where their belief in Christ often left them at odds with the political powers, the economic realities, and the social norms. They were surrounded by idol worship. The day-to-day choices were difficult and demanding. Would they stand firm, or would they give up under the pressure and the pain of following Jesus?
Christians today are faced with the same dilemmas, but we have Scripture available to us in print—even in handheld devices—to help us through. The Bible tells us to worship God only—not to be trapped by materialism, selfish pleasures, and the dishonest practices of this present age.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). Christians are called to be Christ’s light in the world. Christians are called to be examples of what Jesus taught when He lived among us. So we are to “follow in His steps” (1 Peter 2:21). […]
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