As the vast corruption of the previous US President and his administration becomes all the more apparent, we wonder how the nation survived during the past four years. President Donald Trump has brought a much-needed change of direction to our nation.
The renewed support for Israel, the uncovering of the vast wasteful and criminal spending of the past several years, and Trump’s strong appeal for peace might suggest to some that the Rapture might not be as close as they thought.
It’s tempting to think that way. I have found myself wondering if perhaps there’s been a pause in the parade of events leading to Jesus’ soon appearing. However, two thoughts bring me back to reality.
First, I remember Jesus’ assertion that the fulfillment of Bible prophecy will happen at the time sovereignly set by the Father (Matthew 24:36; Acts 1:7). God knows the precise time when He will send His Son to get His Bride and bring her to glory. He already took into consideration all that we see happening today when He long ago set the time of our departure from this world.
Second, I’m aware that a strong undercurrent in world affairs remains, which after the Rapture will directly lead to antichrist’s covenant with Israel, which will mark the beginning of the seven-year Tribulation for the world. The lawlessness of those who seek to destroy our nation remains on full display. […]
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