Shortly before I voted on Tuesday, I gazed at my inbox and spied a gem: “The election could come down to this email.”
What sweeping technological change has occurred in the nearly quarter century since hanging chads and butterfly ballots were all the rage.
For months, I have been receiving emails that this or that candidate is OUT of the race unless I donate immediately. Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Nancy Pelosi “appear” on email threads that demand my immediate attention. Kamala Harris needs me!
When I observed on social media that Donald Trump often says in his video fundraising solicitations that people should only donate if they can afford to, I received an angry response. That was my takeaway from a video in which he, quelle surprise, launches several attacks on Harris that a Democratic voter might find unfair? What about January 6?
Well, I don’t know. I thought it a bit off-brand for Trump to tell prospective donors they should feed their families before they kick in money to his campaign. I also wondered if it might tell us something interesting about the type of people giving money to the Trump campaign, the small donors the GOP has become more dependent on in recent years, rather than a character reference for the former president, much less an unqualified endorsement of everything he has ever said or done. […]
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