There is a lot of disappointment going on in the Middle East. Some of the most disappointed are found in Hamas in Gaza.
The terrorists had hoped that their actions on October 7 would be the beginning of the end for the Israeli regime. That didn’t happen. Their Plan B focused on getting world opinion against Israel as Hamas fought hard against them. That also didn’t pan out. Sure, much of the world turned against Israel, but that was bound to happen anyway. Most of the United Nations would condemn Israel just for putting sour cream and onion chips in the Gazans’ humanitarian supplies when they had asked for barbecue. But, as a whole, the UN could never find a way to shut Israel down. And, rather than making a stand against the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Hamas might as well have exchanged their fatigues for bull’s-eye patterns.
However, it must be admitted that after 15 months Hamas still exists. But credit cannot go to them for their survival. That honor is reserved for the Biden administration in Washington, D.C. This is Israel’s disappointment in the conflict. They could have gotten back the hostages and finished off Hamas months ago, but the American government slow played everything. Biden’s cronies used the threat of an arms embargo to force Israel into fighting with only one hand, while the other hand they demanded be used to provide humanitarian supplies to the Gazans. Because all humanitarian aid goes through Hamas, Israel became the first nation in history forced to feed and supply the enemy they were fighting. Incoming president Donald Trump has promised that it will be very different with him, promising that there will be “hell to pay” if the hostages are not immediately returned. We pray that it is true.
Meanwhile, the fighting in Gaza continues. Currently, much of the battle is taking place in the northern part of the region. The IDF raided Kamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Hania last month, causing an international uproar. The usual international pearl-clutchers quickly condemned Israel for their policy of consistently attacking innocent places designated for healing. Obviously, these are people who understand nothing about Gaza or Hamas. More than 240 terrorists were arrested from within the hospital. Just a few days ago, one of these prisoners admitted in an interview that the Kamal Adwan Hospital was a hideout for terrorists, a stash for weapons of all types, and a base from which raids were carried out. It’s time this war is over. Hopefully, after January 20 we will be able to finish it off.
Lebanon’s Disappointment
There is disappointment in Lebanon amongst many when they look to the south of their country and still see the flag of Israel waving. People question, “Weren’t they supposed to be out?” Yes, according to the ceasefire, Israel was to move out of Lebanon. However, there was a caveat added that during the withdrawal, any enemy war materiel found that could be used against Israel would be destroyed by the IDF. Unfortunately for Hezbollah, we keep finding rockets and missiles and all sorts of weapons stashed everywhere along our path. So, the IDF must take out the Hezbollah troops who are hiding the weapons, then we must destroy the weapons themselves. But progress is taking place. The Lebanese army is moving into Naquora, just to the north of the Israeli border, even as the IDF is moving out. […]
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