Preppers – Globalist Elite Cabal There's a thin line between ringing alarm bells and fearmongering. Fri, 04 Oct 2024 11:18:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Preppers – Globalist Elite Cabal 32 32 237572352 A War Economy Means Price Controls, Rationing, and Loss of Freedom Fri, 04 Oct 2024 11:18:38 +0000 Long before the beginning of the war in Ukraine I have been warning about the inevitability of global conflict between the East and the West, specifically in terms of the economic consequences that will arise should war break out. Of course, what you and I might see as consequences, others might see as an opportunity.

Without a doubt there is a contingent of power brokers within our society that would benefit greatly from such an event. Large scale wars, even when they are fought through regional proxy states (like Ukraine or Israel), lead to chaotic financial conditions that in turn lead to tighter government controls on everything.

During WWII the US spent over 40% of its GDP on defense; compare that to only 4% today. Americans in 2024 have no concept of the resource bottleneck that occurs during periods of large scale industrial warfare. I’m not talking about sending 100,000 troops along with naval contingent to fight low tech guerrillas in country like Afghanistan; I’m talking about 15 million troops or more (most of them drafted) and a massive scramble for resources on a scale not seen in a century. Very few people alive in the west today know what this means.

Consider for a moment the disaster that would befall the global supply chain. A large percentage of commodities and manufacturing come from the East and from the Middle East. American manufacturing has all but disappeared compared to the last world war. The amount of capital needed to revamp that kind of industry is immense. The time to train enough Americans for manufacturing work during wartime is considerable.

But beyond the lack of an industrial base to feed the vast military machine needed to sustain a global conflagration, there are a host of resource issues that no one thinks about. For example:

  • Millions of young men being sent off to fight means far fewer potential workers across the board. Numerous sectors of the market would be desperate for skilled labor.
  • Businesses dealing in vital resources and components will be pressured to forgo consumer markets and focus on government contracts in the name of national security.
  • National spending would skyrocket creating more inflation, and this would be on top of supply shortages. Price controls would be the result, destroying all profit incentive and leading to many smaller businesses shutting down.
  • It’s likely that most vital industries would be nationalized and managed by the government under the rationale that they might collapse otherwise. This would include agriculture (food).

Rationing would be pervasive, as it has been during every major war. The majority of goods would go to the war effort and consumers at home would be stuck with ration cards (digital versions) greatly limiting their ability to stockpile necessities for the future. Prepping would essentially die out at this point, except for those with access to black markets, and all preppers would have to shift into pure survival mode.

Rationing and price controls create a culture of government dependency, which is the last thing you want if you hope to keep your society free. Once a population is dependent on rations or some form of Universal Basic Income (UBI), the downhill slide into full tyranny begins.

The final stage of a long term war economy is usually resource confiscation. In other words, the government may try to implement imminent domain over land, crops, arms and even food stockpiles. This is not done because they necessarily need these goods. This is done to ensure that there’s no resources available that the public can use to rebel.

At this point, the only choice is to fight back or starve to death like peasants in a Soviet-style famine. This is why organization among patriots and preppers is so important – NEVER let yourself end up in a position where you have to give up your preps.

Currently, the war in Ukraine is balancing precariously on the edge of escalation. In the Middle East the powederkeg has already exploded (as I warned it would) between Israel and Lebanon, and it’s only a matter of time before a ground war with Iran erupts. The Biden Administration has clearly indicated that it will move to support Israel, especially if Iran enters the fray.

Meaning, world war has already started. There’s a reason why so many western government have been talking openly about conscription in the past year – They have been preparing the public mentally for a draft. There is no way the US, for example, would be able to fight across Lebanon, Syria and Iran without a draft. There is no way the EU and the US would be able to fight a war with Russia (or China) without a draft. It’s that simple.

By my observations there is a large percentage of American men who will not comply with conscription. There will be attempts to force them to do so. As we saw during the pandemic mandates, officials will try to create economic punishments for those that refuse to accept a draft. The government will try to prevent them from holding a job, deny them access to certain places, or even try to deny them ration cards.

The non-compliant will have to be self sufficient and prepared, and those who are prepared will be labeled treasonous. None of that matters.

Unless you actually believe that another world war is a noble and righteous endeavor, what matters most is that we have the ability to say no. And, the more resources we have at our disposal the easier it will be to say no. The insidious control that comes with multinational war is rooted in fear; fear of resource denial, fear of social ostracism and fear of legal repercussions.

Having the ability to rebel if necessary means having no fear. This all begins with a lifestyle of self sufficiency and community for mutual security.

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The Short But Potent Case for “Prepping” for “Normies” Fri, 13 Sep 2024 10:50:03 +0000 There was a time not too long ago when “Doomsday Preppers” were ridiculed by corporate media. There were television shows that highlighted their allegedly unhinged nature. Invariably, these shows found the craziest people willing to go on camera to show off the multiple junk vehicles in their backyards that held caches of ammunition in secret compartments.

Few corporate television channels mention preppers anymore. It’s not that people don’t want to see that type of content anymore. It’s that they want to see it for very different reasons. The sentiment has drastically changed just in the last couple of years. Instead of wanting to watch as a distraction to lambast the paranoid nature of preppers, Americans are actually interested in getting tips.

Preparedness has gone mainstream because many if not most Americans are legitimately concerned about the near future. Will there be riots before, during, and after the election? Could a cyberattack take out the grid? Will terrorists hit the supply chain? Is another pandemic around the corner?

The questions that nobody but conspiracy theorists were asking a few years ago are now keeping many “normies” awake at night.

“I don’t live in a bunker and I don’t store 100,000 rounds of ammunition in my basement but I do have enough supplies to last for an extended period of time should things go south in a hurry,” said JD Rucker, CEO of Prepper All-Naturals. “And I know I’m not alone in believing it’s prudent to be as self-sufficient as possible even if things don’t go south.”

Rucker and one of his partners, Jason “Storm” Nelson, were recently asked to come on a popular television show to discuss their preparedness. During the initial interview by the show’s producer, they were asked about the preparations they had personally made for themselves and their families.

When it became clear to the producer that neither of them were preparing for a zombie apocalypse and that their preparations were logical, the interviews were cancelled.

“Even today the mainstream media is looking for ways to discredit preparedness as part of some paranoid delusion, but it’s really not,” Rucker said. “Having enough food, water, energy, medical supplies, clothing, and ammunition to make it through tough times is about the sanest thing Americans can do right now.”

According to Rucker, the key to being able to “bug in” properly is focusing on long-term self-sufficiency. He said that rather than accumulating a bunch of Meals Ready-to-Eat (MREs), Americans should be either gardening or building relationships with local farmers.

An important component of preparedness is to grow or buy foods that will be eaten whether there’s an emergency or not.

“I hate wasting anything which is why we made our prepper beef products from the highest quality possible,” Rucker continued. “It won’t be wasted even if things go back to normal because it’s legitimately good to eat under normal circumstances.”

Prepper All-Naturals specializes in long-term storage cuts of steak like Ribeye, NY Strip, and Tenderloin. Their cattle are born and raised in Texas and spent their lives grazing in grass fields. With a 25-year shelf-life, it’s possible to stock up on an excellent source of protein until 2049.

As Rucker noted, preparedness should not be driven by fear. It’s understandable that people are concerned about the current state of the country but if they act prudently they can accumulate the supplies necessary to thrive through most potential tumultuous events.

“We strongly encourage people to grown their own food, raise their own chickens, localize their purchases, and learn the skills necessary to ‘bug in’ if necessary,” Rucker continued. “We chose beef because, first of all it’s under attack, and second because it’s a lot harder to raise cattle than to grow tomatoes or keep a chicken coop in the back yard.”

Prepper All-Naturals products are currently on sale. Use promo code “survive25” at checkout for 25% off.

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