Dementia – Globalist Elite Cabal There's a thin line between ringing alarm bells and fearmongering. Sun, 06 Oct 2024 18:06:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Dementia – Globalist Elite Cabal 32 32 237572352 Most Nations Call Dementia “Type 3 Diabetes” as Science Reveals Alzheimer’s Gets Triggered by Insulin Resistance in the Brain Sun, 06 Oct 2024 18:06:21 +0000 (Natural News)—In America, most medical doctors make no attempt to cure diseases and disorders, but rather prescribe toxic pharmaceutical medications that only “manage” the symptoms of much deeper-rooted health issues that are not only curable, but preventable too. For example, it’s difficult to find a medical doctor who will blame Type 2 Diabetes on bad diet, including high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), bleached foods, processed oils, baked goods and trans fats.

All these junk-science food-stuff products can also cause leaky gut syndrome, which can lead to leaky brain syndrome, where tiny sacs in the brain (vesicles) leak dopamine and you wind up with malfunctioning neurotransmitters that are clogged up with plaque. Science reveals that anyone suffering from Type 2 Diabetes is a high-end candidate for developing dementia, also known as Type 3 Diabetes (everywhere except in America).

Science shows that insulin resistance and insulin-like growth factor dysfunction in the brain can cause dementia

Type 2 Diabetes has been scientifically linked to Alzheimer’s Disease, as insulin resistance in the brain can act as a trigger for neurological disorders, including dementia. How? Over the long term, untreated diabetes (meaning no change in bad diet) causes damage to blood vessels, including vessels in the brain. Without proper diagnosis of this, damage is likely to keep increasing, causing chemical imbalances in the brain while high blood sugar levels exacerbate chronic inflammation, permanently damaging brain cells.

Vascular dementia is a stand-alone diagnosis and a warning sign that diabetes is developing into an overlap with Alzheimer’s disease (T3D). As the science of this process becomes more certain, statistics show that people with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) have up to a 90 percent higher chance of developing Alzheimer’s or some other form of dementia, including vascular dementia. This is revealed by a study conducted in 2016 of more than 100,000 people living with dementia, where females with T2D were shown to have a higher chance of developing vascular dementia than males.

Some of the known causes of vascular dementia include hypertension (high blood pressure) and obesity. Realize that the Covid “vaccines,” also referred to as “clot shots” because the spike proteins clot and clog the vascular system, causing heart and brain issues, could be contributing to this vascular disease and disorder known as Type 3 Diabetes (T3D).

Symptoms of T3D include memory loss (as noticed with daily social interactions), sudden personality and mood swings, frequent bad judgment calls, difficulty completing familiar tasks and misplacing things often. This is congruent with millions of people now suffering Spike Protein Syndrome from the Fauci Flu jabs.

Certain brain imaging studies may reveal indicators, signs and symptoms of T3D, including MRI scans, CT scans and examination of cerebrospinal fluid. If you or a loved one believe you are suffering from T3D, have a doctor test for signs immediately, and be sure to closely examine your regular food intake and begin eliminating junk-science food stuff, GMOs, fluoridated water, canola oil, HFCS and other corporate-made killers like soda, candy, aspartame and even mercury in vaccines (think multi-dose flu shot here).

Although crooked Western Medicine is not about preventing or curing any kinds of disease or disorder, you can take steps to do this yourself. Never trust Google or YouTube to have the answers, because those are controlled and manipulated to keep you and your loved ones in the dark about health and wellness information.

Tune your food news frequency to and get updates on toxic foods, chemical medicines and dirty vaccines that contribute to leaky gut syndrome, CNS disorders, diabetes and dementia.

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