The media has been spewing out stories right and left about women who have allegedly experienced life-threatening medical emergencies that supposedly warranted induced abortions, yet were unable to obtain them. You can see how our Live Action News team has fact-checked and/or debunked many of those stories here.
In addition, polls featuring vague and skewed wording continue to paint a confusing and illogical picture about the American public’s feelings about abortion at various gestational ages, after certain developmental milestones, and for various reasons. Commonly, even people who consider themselves “pro-life” say that they would allow abortion for reasons of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother (despite the fact that intentional killing is not medically necessary).
According to a new report, these “exceptions” continue to make up a very small percentage of the total number of abortions in the U.S. every year. Most U.S. abortions are elective abortion procedures, done for reasons other than these commonly accepted “exceptions.”
Research Group Claims 95% of Abortions Are Elective
Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) Senior Research Associate Tessa Cox told Live Action News that the “official state data” the organization has reviewed in the past “shows that the vast majority of abortions, more than 95%, are for elective or unspecified reasons.” […]
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