After fifty years of leftist dominance and indoctrination in the schools, this really doesn’t come as a surprise, but it’s a good indication of where we are as a culture: it is now more socially acceptable and easier overall for students to declare that they are homosexual than it is for them to reveal that they’re Christian.
This news comes from Northern Ireland, but it doesn’t take more than a nanosecond or two of observation to realize that this is by no means a Northern Irish problem: the results would be the same all over the Western world, including, or maybe especially, in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
The Christian Post reported Monday that “in schools across Northern Ireland, students are finding it more challenging to reveal their Christian faith than their sexual orientation, according to testimony provided during an ongoing inquiry into Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) at Stormont.”
Providing that testimony was David Smyth, “a representative of the Evangelical Alliance Northern Ireland.” He said that some schoolchildren find it “much more difficult now to come out as an Evangelical Christian in school than it is to come out as LGBT,” and that’s perfectly understandable.
After all, Northern Ireland has Pride Month as much as we do here in the United States. The Belfast Pride Festival announces proudly (could it possibly have done so any other way?) that it is “one of the biggest festivals in Belfast with over 150 events across 10 days….In 2023, we had over 75,000 people attend.” Now: when is Christian Month in Northern Ireland? How many people attend that? It’s clear which one is celebrated in contemporary Western popular culture, and which is not. […]
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