The LA Times is out with an opinion piece by two Yale professors who suggest that failing to get a COVID booster could reduce your IQ.
Their argument: a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that COVID itself reduces IQ, which “suggests yet another reason to get the vaccine: It may protect your intellect.”
Many people regard their ability to reason as a core aspect of their identity; that’s one reason the prospect of dementia is so frightening. This research suggests that getting your booster may be one way to preserve that ability and promote brain health. If you want to keep solving Wordle or the Saturday crossword, you have an additional reason to get boosted. –LA Times
For starters, the study’s authors found that the cognitive deficits were largely observed in those who had the original COVID strains, not recent strains.
“The largest deficits in global cognitive scores were observed in the group of participants with SARS-CoV-2 infection during periods in which the original virus or the alpha variant was predominant as compared with those infected with later variants.”
The authors specifically looked at vaccinated vs. unvaccinated, and only observed “a small cognitive advantage among participants who had received multiple vaccinations.” […]
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