A large majority of Americans believe words can be equated to physical violence, a poll released Thursday found.
In total, 80% of respondents at least slightly agreed with the statement that “words can be violence,” while 22% said it describes their thoughts “completely,” according to an October poll by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), which it described as “shocking.” Only 12% of Gen Z respondents disagreed that speech could be violence.
“Equating words with violence trivializes actual physical harm, shuts down conversations, and even encourages real violence by justifying the use of force against offensive speech,” Greg Lukianoff, FIRE President and CEO, said in a press release. “Free speech isn’t violence, it’s the best alternative to violence ever invented.”
Women were more likely to believe words can be equated to violence, with 86% responding in the affirmative compared to 73% of men, according to the press release. Democrats were more likely to agree with the comparison, totaling 89% compared to 73% of Republicans and 72% of independents.
Nearly 90% of Americans surveyed said they believe they should have the right to speak freely during a public comment session, over 70% said they believe they should have the right to criticize public officials during council meetings and 55% believe they should have the right to post mocking videos of political candidates to social media, FIRE found. […]
— Read More: dailycallernewsfoundation.org
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