The Washington Post’s fact checks have by and large been tools of partisan politics. We saw this most notoriously in Oct. 2020, when the Post undercut reports that Hunter Biden arranged what looked to all the world like an influence-peddling meeting between one of his foreign business clients and The Big Guy, that is, his father, who was vice president at the time.
The fact that the Post’s “fact checks” are largely designed to intimidate, confuse, and undermine foes of the left’s agenda makes it all the more striking that on Wednesday, the Post’s fact-checking spotlight was shining on none other than Nancy Pelosi, who must have been all the more indignant that it wasn’t PJ Media or Fox catching her lying, but one of the left’s principal propaganda organs.
Fox News reported Thursday that Pelosi “was fact-checked on Wednesday by the Washington Post for claiming that fewer migrants came into the U.S. under President Biden than under President-elect Trump’s first term.” That’s right. Pelosi is actually claiming that President Open Borders let in fewer illegal migrants than President Wall.
Give Pelosi credit for audacity: she knows there is a certain segment of people out there who will believe her and dismiss the claims of her opponents, and even of the Washington Post fact check because they’re ideologically committed to the idea that the Democrats, and the left in general, are on the side of righteousness, justice, and truth. And after all, how many people out there are really paying attention? She knew she had a good chance to get some people to believe her claims, no matter how outlandish, and on this occasion, she really went for the gold medal of chutzpah.
In the midst of an election post-mortem, Pelosi said: “I don’t think we were clear enough by saying fewer people came in under President Joe Biden than came under Donald Trump.” Yeah, maybe you and your cadres weren’t clear enough in making that point because it is wildly, howlingly, blazingly, outlandishly false. But Pelosi coolly went on to ascribe the catastrophic Democrat loss of the presidency, the Senate, and the House to a failure to make themselves clear: “It’s clarity of the message, and if that’s what Bernie’s talking about, and that’s what Joe Manchin’s talking about, we weren’t clear in our message as to what things are, then I agree with that.” […]
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