Canola oil is not equivalent to other oils, and this is an assumption made by millions of consumers across the globe. Many folks believe if they buy foods that contain organic canola, they are avoiding the health pitfalls they may have read or heard about conventional canola, but they are not. The main issue lies in the fact that canola oil, organic or not, coagulates inside the human body, causing rapid weight gain, memory loss and plaque in the brain that can lead to early onset dementia. This has been vigorously studied by food scientists around the globe.
One might even refer to canola oil as a weapon of mass health destruction, since hundreds of millions of humans eat it daily, having no clue it’s so health-decimating, because they were brainwashed by 30 years of advertising claiming it’s “heart healthy.”
Today, canola oil is the third most consumed oil by volume (after soybean and palm), but it doesn’t even come from a vegetable, or did you not know that? There is no such thing as canola plants or canola vegetables. Canola comes from toxic rapeseed that’s used as an insecticide. What’s worse is that it coagulates inside the body, like glue.
Canada produces 20 million metric tons of canola oil yearly, more than China by 5 million tons
Canola oil is so cheap that most restaurants use it, most of the mixed foods at food bars contain it, and nearly all processed food products contain it, including organic foods. Science reveals that canola oil consumption affects memory by damaging the synapse neuropathology in the brain. This is because it coagulates and causes plaques and tangles to form, a hallmark brain component of people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
Plus, lab experiments reveal that chronic consumption of canola oil, for just 6 months, results in significant increase in body weight. Anyone still wondering why 3 out of every 4 Americans are obese? […]
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