One thing can be said about establishment media propagandists: they never miss an opportunity to manipulate the public and make it think they way they want it to think. And they aren’t nearly as subtle as they think they are.
The contrast couldn’t be more stark. When Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) died last summer, the Associated Press headline was “Former Sen. Jim Inhofe, defense hawk who called human-caused climate change a ‘hoax,’ dies at 89.” But when Hezbollah top dog Hassan Nasrallah was killed in an Israeli airstrike Friday, AP ran a piece entitled“ Charismatic & shrewd: A look at longtime Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.” After howls of outrage and cascades of ridicule, AP altered its headline, but it wasn’t by any means alone. In their coverage of Nasrallah’s death, several establishment media outlets have made it unmistakable: they love jihad terror mass murderers far more than they do patriots or even establishment Republicans.
Even after it was revised, AP’s story reads like something out of a Hezbollah fan magazine. Nasrallah was “an astute strategist.” He was “idolized by his Lebanese Shiite followers and respected by millions of others across the Arab and Islamic world.” He even “held the title of sayyid, an honorific meant to signify the Shiite cleric’s lineage dating back to the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam.”
Nasrallah was also, AP tells us, “a fiery orator” who was “viewed as an extremist in the United States and much of the West.” Note that while Nasrallah was only an “extremist” in the U.S. and the West, the assertion that he was an “astute strategist” is presented as sober, objective truth. […]
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