A female university student in Iran publicly stripped down to her bra and panties Saturday to protest the school’s mandate forcing her to wear a hijab. She was removed from the scene by the university’s morality squad, The Telegraph reported.
Other students filmed the event on their smartphones and watched as security guards came to interrupt her protest. She began her protest on the campus of Tehran’s Azad University, where female students are forced to wear head coverings. Security personnel surrounded her and became abusive in detaining the woman.
Several witnesses told The Telegraph that the student was sent to local detention facilities after she was arrested by campus security and physically removed from the area. At least 10 security guards can be seen on video forcing the woman into a vehicle.
“Oh God, how many of them are attacking just one person?” asked one witness. “I can’t believe what I’m seeing,” another noted.
“Around noon, near the entrance of the faculty, I saw a girl being grabbed and forcibly taken by security forces,” one witness told The Telegraph. “She wasn’t wearing a headscarf. Then they reached the security building near the entrance, where a male and a female security guard grabbed her and tried to take her into the office with force.” […]
— Read More: humanevents.com