Government school districts across America spent a staggering $3.2 billion of taxpayer money last year fighting against parents and school board members concerned about the indoctrination and sexualization of children, according to a new study that examined costs nationwide. Critics blasted education officials over the news.
The study, headlined “The Costs of Conflict: The Fiscal Impact of Culturally Divisive Conflict on Public Schools in the United States,” examined the financial impact of what leftist researchers described as “heightened conflict over culturally divisive topics.” The subjects included race-mongering as well as homosexual and transgender propaganda.
Led by leftwing researchers at the University of California and other academic institutions, the final report suggested that it was concerned parents who were to blame. Government “educators” peddling racial hysteria and sexual deviancy were portrayed as innocent victims merely facing an onslaught of attacks from unhinged parents.
The report demonizes parents, taxpayers, and even school board members using an array of smears including “activists,” “agents of disruption,” “conflict entrepreneurs,” “extremists,” and more. Their concerns, meanwhile, are dismissed and belittled as “disinformation” or “misinformation” that is a threat to the government schools.
Among the alleged horrors perpetrated by these supposed evildoers are things like speaking out at school-board meetings, seeking public records, publicly reading excerpts from obscene schoolbooks, promoting parental rights legislation, criticizing school administrators on social media, and much more. […]
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