After months of prayer and Christian leaders calling Believers to action, the American people earlier this month voted decisively to reject the anti-America and anti-God policies of the Democrat party and elect Donald Trump. It was a victory for the unborn, for children, for national security, for Biblical morality, for Israel, and for the church. And yet, well-known pastor John Piper was less than pleased with the results, referring to the re-election of Trump as an “evil.”
“Presidential election results. Having delivered us from one evil, God now tests us with another,” Piper wrote on X.
While his comments are troubling, especially considering the weight many in the church place on his opinion, it shouldn’t surprise us.
During the 2016 presidential election, Piper actively worked to dissuade believers from voting, saying at the time that both candidates (Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton) displayed “flagrant wickedness.” According to Piper, too many Believers feel “obligated” to vote, treating it as a “binding duty” to impact the nation that is not their home. During that election cycle, Piper told his congregants that, while he was intending to cast a vote, he had “no intention of voting for either of these presidential candidates.”
In 2020 and 2023, Piper carried on his efforts to discourage evangelicals from casting their votes, insisting that going to church every Sunday is more impactful than going to the ballot box and reiterating his stance of not voting for either candidate. On the topic of abortion, Piper snubbed the idea that “Roe and SCOTUS and Planned Parenthood” are effective battlegrounds to defend the unborn—a position that should have been corrected following the overturning of Roe v Wade and many States that now significantly protect life as a result. […]
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