Two leaders of an international breastfeeding-support organization, including a 94-year-old cofounder, resigned from the group because it has been taken over by transgender “zealots.”
Marian Tompson, who, along with six other women, cofounded La Leche League International (LLL), quit the organization earlier this month. Thompson wrote that it “has become a travesty of my original intent.”
Similarly, Miriam Main, a trustee of La Leche League Great Britain (LLLGB), also submitted her resignation. She is leaving over what she calls a “complete departure from LLL’s philosophy and mission, led by a group of zealots from within the organization.”
Radical TRANSformation
The nonprofit LLL was founded in Illinois in 1956 to advocate for and support mothers in breastfeeding. This was at a time when most American babies were being bottle-fed formula. It has since grown into an international organization with affiliates in nearly 90 countries.
Of course, from 1956 to well into this century, everyone understood that only women could have babies and breastfeed. With the rise of the trans cult, however, this scientifically accurate understanding must give way to the absurd and harmful notion that men, too, can give birth and produce milk. […]
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