Jim Bovard – Globalist Elite Cabal https://globalistelitecabal.com There's a thin line between ringing alarm bells and fearmongering. Tue, 08 Oct 2024 15:57:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://globalistelitecabal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/cropped-Money-32x32.jpg Jim Bovard – Globalist Elite Cabal https://globalistelitecabal.com 32 32 237572352 The Mirage of Honest Government https://globalistelitecabal.com/the-mirage-of-honest-government/ https://globalistelitecabal.com/the-mirage-of-honest-government/#respond Tue, 08 Oct 2024 15:57:48 +0000 https://globalistelitecabal.com/the-mirage-of-honest-government/ For more than 70 years, America has been on the verge of honest government. In election after election, politicians have promised to finally take this nation to the moral high ground once and for all.

In 1952, Dwight Eisenhower captured the presidency based in part on his promise to end “the mess in Washington”—festering corruption from 20 years of Democratic presidents. Housewives were swayed to support the Republican ticket with red, white, and blue scrub pails with the slogan, “Let’s clean up with Eisenhower and Nixon.” Those pails did not prevent waves of scandals and top Eisenhower appointees resigning in disgrace.

In 1960, Democratic candidate John F. Kennedy captured the presidency after his party’s platform promised to “clean out corruption and conflicts of interest” and “establish and enforce a Code of Ethics to maintain the full dignity and integrity of the Federal service.” Kennedy’s lofty rhetoric mesmerized the media and assured that his scandals would be suppressed until long after his death.

In 1968, Republican candidate Richard Nixon promised to “make government more responsive” and “re-kindle trust.” Nixon also promised to lead “an administration of open doors, open eyes, and open minds.” His efforts to uplift the federal government were interrupted by the Watergate scandal. […]

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