In 1889, a man by the name of Archibald G. Brown (a student and contemporary of Charles Spurgeon) authored a work entitled “The Devil’s Mission of Amusement”. Even though we may be tempted to believe that it is only in the modern age that we are seeing the plague of “amusement” infect our churches, it is clear from Mr Brown’s article that the church of his time also faced similar challenges.
In one part of Mr Brown’s article, he writes: “The devil has seldom done a cleverer thing – than hinting to the Church that part of her mission is to provide entertainment for the people with a view to winning them into her ranks. The evil nature which lies in every heart has risen to catch the bait. Here, now, is an opportunity of gratifying the flesh – and yet retaining a comfortable conscience. We can now please ourselves, in order to do good to others. The rough old cross can be exchanged for a ‘costume,’ and the exchange can be made with the benevolent purpose of elevating the people.”
I began with that excerpt from the article for good reason and it has to do with recent news from the United Kingdom. As I outline what one church is doing to attract people to its ranks, you will marvel at how Mr Brown’s words fit perfectly, even down to the matter of a costume.
I would like to direct your attention to St Peter’s in Bradford, West Yorkshire. They have teamed up with wrestling charity “Kingdom Wrestling” to hold wrestling matches in the church in order to encourage people to attend a worship service. To ensure it has the appearance of a worship service they add prayer (which is done from within the wrestling ring) and worship time, but the main event is the wrestling match.
Reverend Natasha Thomas from St Peter’s told British newspaper The Times: “People may have a certain perception of what church can be, but actually church can be anything about worshipping God, and that can be having fun – and wrestling is part of that.” Notice how true Mr Brown’s words turned out to be. He said: “The rough old cross can be exchanged for a ‘costume’”. Costume indeed! You see, as part of the “show” they bring in a full wrestling ring along with scantily clad men and women in wrestling costumes! […]
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