A report from a group of international researchers shows that temperatures in Greenland aren’t cooperating with the alarmists’ doomsday predictions. In fact, “most areas are cooling.” This is inconvenient for the climate harpies who have designated Greenland as an indicator of what man-made carbon dioxide emissions are doing to the planet.
Not three months ago, the World Economic Forum eagerly mentioned a study that predicted that a “total collapse” of Greenland’s ice sheet “could happen by 2025.” Last year, a Washington Post scare-’em-all headline declared “Greenland glacier’s rapid melting may signal faster sea level rise.” In another of the many examples we could cite, AZoCleantech.com has claimed that Greenland’s changing landscape signals a global threat.
Now back to the researchers: Using satellite readings, they determined that “the ice-free sub-regions of Greenland are warmer than the ice-covered sub-regions,” which they attribute “to population density.” Overall, though, there was no significant change in Greenland’s temperature for the period studied, 2000 to 2019. They further noted that “in coastal southern Greenland, the temperature during 1958-2001 showed a significant cooling.”
And those ice-covered sub-regions they studied? They found “no evidence of warming over” ice-covered areas. Yes, this thrusts another deep gash into the politically spun global warming yarn.
Following are a few more examples that indicate the alarmists’ narrative is unraveling: […]
— Read More: issuesinsights.com